Friday, April 10, 2015

Figurative Language

       When we study or hear figurative language, we must first find the definition of what such is, then we can go in depth and also give some good examples of figurative language.  Figurative language is found in literature such as poems, stories, or even possibly journals, which are all good examples for the literature aspect.  The writer using the figurative language is using writing to appeal to the senses, this is accomplished by giving meaning a word or words specific meaning when comparing two things, or even using unusual constructions of sound.  I feel some of the best examples of figurative languages are in music today, especially hip hop instead of looking in the literature lets go to the music.  Hip hop is constructed on figurative languages, mainly metaphors and similes.  "I'm capable of anything My imagination can gave me wings To fly like doves watching over the streets" is a creative one from Nas.  One of the more commercial known poplar ones that could be heard on the radio everyday when he came out was 50 cent with "i love you like a fat kid loves cake. even though i hate 50, i love that line... like a fat kid loves cake".  Figurative language has been around for centuries even dating back to the Shakespeare's and the Greek Mythology writings.  I could go on and on about more metaphors and similes and the use of figurative language, but I think you got the point you hear this word play being used everyday you turn your TV on, pick up a book, search the internet, or even turn on the radio.


  1. I think figurative language is very important when you are writing something descriptive. I think I might have trouble describing some things because my English is not top, but I think this class will be good because it will teach me how to do this. I think once you start using figurative speech you can automatically get better.

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