Monday, April 27, 2015


   We are working on these new Wikipedia pages and trying to add substance to the already created pages in Wikipedia already.  I am not really a fan of the new idea using Wikipedia, I rather would have done the normal essays.  Although I understand Wikipedia is a great place to learn about whatever subject you are reading about or writing about.  I still am not a fan of the whole Wikipedia process this semester.  Wikipedia in my opinion makes things too complicated, there is too much clutter on the pages and it is hard to find the information I am looking for.  Although I jave no choice but to use Wikipedia this assignment, it is safe to say this would be the first and last time I ever use my Wikipedia login. 

Sunday, April 26, 2015


     In the last couple stories we read the setting has been set immediately.  Most of the settings have involved dark mysterious, gloomy feeling. The setting has definitely not been a good happy feeling vibe.  I guess a lot of your writers back in those days were feeling more depressed or had a dark thought of mind.  The one example would be the Edgar Allen Poe short stories never did he start with a bright sunny clear day.  Instead Poe started with on a dark gloomy night.  The setting immediately puts you in the mood of the story you are about to read.  I feel like this is an important part of every story to get you in the mood, and will also give you an idea if this is the story you want to read.

Thursday, April 23, 2015

The Fall Of The House Of Usher (Characters)

      There are three significant characters in this tale: the narrator, Roderick and Madeline Usher. The narrator is a boyhood friend of Roderick Usher. He has not seen Roderick since they were children; however, because of an urgent letter that he received from Roderick which requested his aid, the nameless narrator decides to make the long journey. When Madeline supposedly "dies" and is placed in her coffin, the narrator notices "a striking similitude between brother and sister " It is at this point that Roderick informs his friend that he and the Lady Madeline were twins, and that "sympathies of a scarcely intelligible nature had always existed between them. Due to limited medical knowledge or to suit his purposes here, Poe treats Madeline and Roderick as if they were identical twins (two parts of one personality) . He implies that Roderick and Madeline are so close that they can sense what is happening to each other. This becomes an important aspect in the unity of effect of this particular story. 

Monday, April 20, 2015

The Weary Blues by Langston Hughes

After researching my first choice of "To The Desert" I found there wasn't enough stuff out there for me to start a Wikipedia page.  Therefore I had to go search again for a story or poem to leave my mark.  I stumbled upon Langston Hughes "The Weary Blues". This was the first poem that linked music to life.  This was also the first poem that began to win Langston Hughes various awards on the Harlem Renaissance.   This poem has a lot of symbolism within its bars, and also describes a great setting with a constant mood to the theme.  Finally I am now read to conquer this assignment Mr. Hammon has assigned us. Another great factor is the Wikipedia page started for this poem is a C grade, meaning there is a lot of room to add stuff and be heard.

Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Finding GOD

This week we have to write a blog about something we are reading for class.  The poem I chose to write my Wikipedia on is called To The Desert.  This poem is about a man who is lost in the dark feels like life has nothing to give, then as if everything is finished in his life he finds GOD.  GOD gives him new life, instead of darkness, he begins to see life in the light.  Finding GOD gives him a new meaning to life, the poem uses alot of figurative language with a lot of metaphors.  When you first read thye poem you may think the man is talking about be stranded in the desert; however he is using the desert as a figurative point to describe darkness and emptiness till he finds GOD.

Monday, April 13, 2015

Protagonist in the movie Training Day

The movie I chose to identify the protagonist in was Trainig Day.  In Training Day the leading character or protagonist in the movie is the character is Alonzo Harris which is played by Denzel Washington.  Alonzo is a veteran detective in the LAPD, who is assigned to train a rookie named Jake Hoyt.  However in th movie Jake thinks he is going to be trained to be an honest and courageous police detective, little does he know that Alonzo is the leader of a group full of dirty agents.  Alonzo is in debt with the Russian Mafia, so to get the money to pay off his debts, Alonzo goes around robbing the drug dealers and the plugs.  While Alonzo is robbing these dealers he is also teaching Jake how to do the same, but Jake doesn't want to be dirty.  Alonzo decides it's time to have Jake killed and move on with his life; However Alonzo never expects Jake to turn the tables on him and unite the dealers and gang memebers he has been robbing and bullying for so long.  There is not many times where the protagonist of the movie is actually the movie's main villian.

Friday, April 10, 2015

Figurative Language

       When we study or hear figurative language, we must first find the definition of what such is, then we can go in depth and also give some good examples of figurative language.  Figurative language is found in literature such as poems, stories, or even possibly journals, which are all good examples for the literature aspect.  The writer using the figurative language is using writing to appeal to the senses, this is accomplished by giving meaning a word or words specific meaning when comparing two things, or even using unusual constructions of sound.  I feel some of the best examples of figurative languages are in music today, especially hip hop instead of looking in the literature lets go to the music.  Hip hop is constructed on figurative languages, mainly metaphors and similes.  "I'm capable of anything My imagination can gave me wings To fly like doves watching over the streets" is a creative one from Nas.  One of the more commercial known poplar ones that could be heard on the radio everyday when he came out was 50 cent with "i love you like a fat kid loves cake. even though i hate 50, i love that line... like a fat kid loves cake".  Figurative language has been around for centuries even dating back to the Shakespeare's and the Greek Mythology writings.  I could go on and on about more metaphors and similes and the use of figurative language, but I think you got the point you hear this word play being used everyday you turn your TV on, pick up a book, search the internet, or even turn on the radio.

Thursday, April 9, 2015


My name is Scotty Raul I am a Senior at South University in pursuit of my Bachelor Degree in Information Technology Computer Science.  I am 37 years old born and raised from Riviera Beach, Fl.  I have 4 kids with three different mothers. I have 2 sons and 2 daughters, ages ranging from 10 - 17.  I work at King Hynudai in Deerfield Beach selling cars.  If you need a car or know anyone need car don't hesitate to contact I will get you a great deal.  I have took Mr. Hamlin course before and got an A, so if anyone needs help I am always willing to help.  Once I graduate I plan on going to another school not sure which one yet, to pursue my MBA.