Wednesday, March 4, 2015


In DOC 2 there was a good example of Rogerian Argument within my paper.  I decided to write about the debate of is it better to get your certifications or is it better to get your Bachelor degree when trying to pursue a job in the IT field.  My opinion was that a degree is a better tool to get your foot in the door.  However I also did argue that this was not the only way to get your start in the IT career field.  Certifications are also a great tool to utilize as long as the peson who is responsible for reviewing the resumes is a person that is up to date on the certifications that one shold possess and what that certification say about that individual.  A degree is a little easier because the degree will always speak for itself in the business world.  The degree is a collection of knowledge over many subjects not just that particular area of a subject such as a certification is.  Therefore you can see that the mutual agreement within the paper was that even though I felt a degree is a stronger resource, I also admitted that certifications are also good resources when pursuing a career in the IF field.


  1. I agree with you 100% a degree is a better way to get your foot in the door your application is more likly to get picked if you have a bachelors degree over a certificate.

  2. certification is extra important, i have seen this firsthand working for a computer company.
