Thursday, March 12, 2015


We are coming to the end of the semester, and I have learned more about APA style than I ever wished to know.  However I understand the reasoning behind APA, and also understand it is just something we have to learn how to do.  I was always more of a ME instead of TEAM player.  This contradicted with out first paper, when Mr. Hammon put us in teams,  I could never seem to find my partner, or he never really did his part, he was not productive at all.  This however has not took anything away from my Peer to Peer Learning network, because I actually have a nice size network in which I do actually get information or advice from.  I believe it is very important to have a strong Peer to Peer Network when you are attending college and pursuing a degree.  I have Mr. Hammon again next semester for ENG 3, so I hope this time around I am teamed with a stronger partner that does their part.

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