Sunday, March 22, 2015


I felt like just like the Google + and the Google drive, the Wiki allows everything to be organized.  The Wiki also allows everything within the course to be located in one spot.  Mr. Hamon makes learning innovative, which keeps students interested and engaged in the class.  I would like for Google to even connect their Google drive with the Wiki, this would allow everything for the class at one click.  That would be a nice addition.  Well this class is over, this is also the last blog.  I guess it's on the Eng 3 and starting all over with Google experience in Mr. Hamon's class again.  A couple weeks to rest then were back at it.

Friday, March 20, 2015


When you have Mr Hamon as your English teacher, you will be using a lot of online tools.  The main tool you will be using is Google Drive.  Inside Google Drive there is soo many great applications and these applications are free.  Everyone loves free! The Goolge Docs app. is actually better than Microsoft Word in my opinion.  The first reason is once again because it is free.  The second reason is in Google Doc, you can be writing a paper and remotely the whole time the teacher can see in live time what you are writing.  Another great aspect of Google Doc is the fact that when you make changes the revisions are always accessible to the student and the teacher.  This allows the teacher to see who has provided what parts of the paper, and who is responsible for what work on the paper.  This is definitely one of my favorite parts of Mr. Hamon class.

Thursday, March 19, 2015


This week is the final week of the class, wasn't too bad just missed a couple blogs.  Working 80 hours a week and going to school full time has been a mission. I like the aspect of blogging it definitely helps us learn to write better.  However the amount of blogs a week was a little much with the responses just a lot to keep up with.  I did learn a lot from the other students in the class post though.  I am taking ENG 3 next semester with Mr. Hamon again so blogging will be part of my life for another semester.  This time I plan to be more prepared than this semester though.

Sunday, March 15, 2015


We are coming to the end of the semester finally.  I really didn't do as well as I wanted to with work full time and school full time this semester.  I missed a couple blogs, but at the end of the day I had to stay late at work and was exhausted selling cars, if I don't sell bills don;t get paid lol.  This blog is the closest to my career field for my degree as we have had.  Big Data is the catchword for data being transmitted.  Could you imagine how life would be if there was a limit to data no matter what you were doing?  You could be in the hospital (whelp you have exceeded your data, connection shutdown) there goes that patient, the nurse or doctor didn't receive how much of a dose to give the patient.  Another example your in the courtroom (data exceeded) too bad I guess that vital piece of evidence cant be sent over, give him life lol.  You can see with the way our everyday life depends on data, we have become so dependent, just don't see how the world would operate if we didn't have it.

Friday, March 13, 2015


This post came very easy to me, because when we wrote our Doc 1.  My Doc 1 researched the use of excessive force by police in the United States.  The statistics are so misleading in this case, because only cases that are recorded are those the departments decide to report.  Therefore how can we take in to consideration any of these facts.  There is no effort at all for the department to refuse to report a case that may show excessive force was used that may hinder that department's name.  Dr. Sedlack taught me last semester in my Research and Analysis class.  This taught me how statistics are only as strong as the sources utilized of which the data was pulled from.  A great example is a poll being done by ATT service, and they ask everyone who currently has ATT service instead of also surveying holders of Metro, Sprint, T-Mobile, and any other service that is offered.

Thursday, March 12, 2015


We are coming to the end of the semester, and I have learned more about APA style than I ever wished to know.  However I understand the reasoning behind APA, and also understand it is just something we have to learn how to do.  I was always more of a ME instead of TEAM player.  This contradicted with out first paper, when Mr. Hammon put us in teams,  I could never seem to find my partner, or he never really did his part, he was not productive at all.  This however has not took anything away from my Peer to Peer Learning network, because I actually have a nice size network in which I do actually get information or advice from.  I believe it is very important to have a strong Peer to Peer Network when you are attending college and pursuing a degree.  I have Mr. Hammon again next semester for ENG 3, so I hope this time around I am teamed with a stronger partner that does their part.

Wednesday, March 4, 2015


In DOC 2 there was a good example of Rogerian Argument within my paper.  I decided to write about the debate of is it better to get your certifications or is it better to get your Bachelor degree when trying to pursue a job in the IT field.  My opinion was that a degree is a better tool to get your foot in the door.  However I also did argue that this was not the only way to get your start in the IT career field.  Certifications are also a great tool to utilize as long as the peson who is responsible for reviewing the resumes is a person that is up to date on the certifications that one shold possess and what that certification say about that individual.  A degree is a little easier because the degree will always speak for itself in the business world.  The degree is a collection of knowledge over many subjects not just that particular area of a subject such as a certification is.  Therefore you can see that the mutual agreement within the paper was that even though I felt a degree is a stronger resource, I also admitted that certifications are also good resources when pursuing a career in the IF field.

Monday, March 2, 2015


This week we had another student review and critique our Doc 2 papers.  I like the idea of being evaluated by someone other than the teacher before we turn the paper in.  I feel like another student and a second set of eyes can give me another perspective on the paper.  With this paper I was kind of going in many different directions on how to write and organize the paper.  There wasn't really a lot of references for the topic, however there was a lot of opinionated journals on the subject of which is better when pursuing a career in IT, degree or certifications.  I read various articles and journals and really started to get my vision I was looking for.  The evaluates pointed out  good grammatical errors within the paper. Another student also pointed out some good points I could use to go more in depth on my paper to give a better understanding on the subject.  I am looking forward to more advice and helpful hints in writing this paper.