Monday, February 9, 2015


This week one of our post in the blog has to be about logical fallacies for our Doc 1.  I chose to go with the fallacy that since the media is showing the killings of Michael Brown, Tamar Rice, and Eric Garner, some are assuming that all cops are bad.  This is not true just like any other aspect of life, some cops are corrupt and bad while others actually are good and act responsibility on their job.  The  best way I can describe this fallacy, would be telling about my real life interactions in Riviera Beach, Florida where I was born and raised.  In Riviera we have a cop named Culry To they call him, everytime he comes around the block he immediately searches up at the park, and searches for drugs and calling for backup.  He first does the normal pat down and then reaches inside your pants actually and then after reaching inside your pants, he makes you open your mouth and seearches with the same hand inside behind your tongue to make sure you wasn't stashing any drugs in your mouth.  If Curly Top finds drugs instead of just arresting you he usually takes all your money and drugs and then the next day makes you buy everything back extorting you.  This is a everyday event.  The fallacy would be since Curly Top does this every other coip in Riviera Beach must be as corrupt as him which is not true.  There is a cop named Williams who is always out shooting basketball at the court with us sometimes, hell talk to us and help us out if we need it and is always doing good deeds for the community of Riviera Beach.  This just shows that not all cops in Riviera Beach are bad and corrupt.

1 comment:

  1. I agree with you one person does not make every sperson of that kind bad. That is horrible to hear that there is a cop out on the streets like that it is very sad when people use their authority in an un proper manner.
