Monday, June 8, 2015

Google Drive

When you have Mr Hamon as your English teacher, you will be using a lot of online tools. The main tool you will be using is Google Drive. Inside Google Drive there is soo many great applications and these applications are free. Everyone loves free! The Goolge Docs app. is actually better than Microsoft Word in my opinion. The first reason is once again because it is free. The second reason is in Google Doc, you can be writing a paper and remotely the whole time the teacher can see in live time what you are writing. Another great aspect of Google Doc is the fact that when you make changes the revisions are always accessible to the student and the teacher. This allows the teacher to see who has provided what parts of the paper, and who is responsible for what work on the paper. This is definitely one of my favorite parts of Mr. Hamon class.

1 comment:

  1. I love Google Drive! To me it is easy and goes with you! I like the fact that he uses a lot of online tools, so that we can be familiar with them.
