Sunday, June 14, 2015

Final Blog

I have never been one to really write anything on the internet, not really into the Instagram, Twitter, and definitely not Facebook.  however the blogging in College is a good idea because it allow us to connect among different students.  Blogs is also a place that may be utilized to ask questions or seek help with a specific topic.  Another great use for blogs is to review different products, movies, or Cd's.  Blogs has helped throughout my 4 years here at South, and I will probably still look at and read blogs after I graduate next week.  They really give you some good information if you find the right ones.  

Saturday, June 13, 2015

Peer to Peer

We are coming to the end of the semester, and I have learned more about APA style than I ever wished to know.  However I understand the reasoning behind APA, and also understand it is just something we have to learn how to do.  I learned a lot from my Peer to Peer Learning network, because I actually have a nice size network in which I do actually get information or advice from.  I believe it is very important to have a strong Peer to Peer Network when you are attending college and pursuing a degree.

Monday, June 8, 2015

Google Drive

When you have Mr Hamon as your English teacher, you will be using a lot of online tools. The main tool you will be using is Google Drive. Inside Google Drive there is soo many great applications and these applications are free. Everyone loves free! The Goolge Docs app. is actually better than Microsoft Word in my opinion. The first reason is once again because it is free. The second reason is in Google Doc, you can be writing a paper and remotely the whole time the teacher can see in live time what you are writing. Another great aspect of Google Doc is the fact that when you make changes the revisions are always accessible to the student and the teacher. This allows the teacher to see who has provided what parts of the paper, and who is responsible for what work on the paper. This is definitely one of my favorite parts of Mr. Hamon class.

Sunday, June 7, 2015

Doc 2 Finished

Finally Doc 2 has come to a finish.  I was delighted to finally see the good old essay.  I feel like now I can go back and complete the Wiki assignment also.  I learned a lot about Langston Hughes and the poems he wrote.  I also learned the true history of the Harlem Renaissance.  The APA part wasnt that hard, until we got to the references and citations, seems like there are so many correct ways to do APA, but each teacher has their own preference.  I had an advantage because I have taken Mr. Hamon's class 3 different times, so I kind of known what to expect.  Even though Mr. Hamon is hard on us sometimes, I have noticed that I have become a much better writer since my first year in college and have taken Mr. Hamon class.  Well that's all for English 3, and my degree at South University it was fun on to the next chapter.

Thursday, June 4, 2015

Do You Fear Death

Some say Im a little different then many, because one fear I have never had is death.  I always felt that your day is already chosen for you to die, you never know that day of course.  No matter what that is your day to die, you could be just walking out your house, you may just get that old, you may be robbing a bank, you can be doing anything and at the snap of a finger your dead. I have seen so many people die it is sad, from drive by's as I was right by the person at that time, from execution style, car accidents, or just old age.  I guess that why I am emotionless to death.  I have even faced death a couple times and won.  Don't misunderstand I am in no way trying to chase death, but I ill never fear it either

Wednesday, June 3, 2015

Reverse Class

This is my last semester at South University, so I decided to write about one of the best ideas I got to be a participant of while in school.  Mr. Hammon does a reverse class, which means homework and assignments in class and reading and lectures at home.  I love it! This was so helpful since I am also a full time worker that works 80 hours a week, along with a full time student.  Mr Hammon allow us too still do our job, and logon from home to participate in class.  This was so helpful, he also is a click away whenever you need help.  The wiki lol that's another subject, although I did get the hang of the Wiki at the end.  The reverse classroom should be implemented in other classes, students would really appreciate it I bet.