Sunday, May 10, 2015

Female Writers

We have been reading some poems and stories lately that are written by woman writers.  I am not a big reader of short stories and poems usually.  This is actually the first time I ever read anything like the literature I have been reading.  I do find that the woman writers tend to touch more emotional tones in their writing.  I really couldn't name too many though.  I have always felt like a female writer could express through words better than male writer, but I guess that is back to touching the other subject or topic we had to write about this week the Gender Criticism.  Well that is all I could come up with on this topic, enjoy.


  1. I agree with you in the fact that women writers are more emotional in their writing. But I find this to be a plus in their writing you get to fell and understand more about what they are writing.

  2. What I personally thinking was no matter who you are gender doesn't mean a thing because we all know how to write and express our feeling in the same way but also in the different thought
