Sunday, May 31, 2015

Myth in my life

I am a strong believer that if you belief you can do it, it will happen.  I'm not a strong believer in myths per se.  I don't believe that if you walk under a ladder it's bad luck, or break a mirror it's bad luck.  I beleive we make our own luck.  The poems and stories I have read in the recent weeks are all about mythology; however I really don't have the attention span as we read some of these poems and stories, I guess just not my think.  I still need to pass the class so I'm trying and at the same time just going through to motions to finish the classes and obtain my degree

Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Myths in Poems

Over the weeks we have not only been reading poems in class, but I also have been reading mythology stories in my World Literature class.  It seems to me that a lot of if not almost all the poems have some type of myth that is found within the text.  The writers seem to really get creative with their word play, or their metaphors.  An example is the "to the desert" poem the myth of finding the truth the holy spirit, many people believe in GOD, however many people do not believe in GOD.  That is just one example of myths in poetry.  I always look at mythology as just another way to creative in your mind and let your thoughts flow freely.

Sunday, May 24, 2015

Symbol About Something in A Poem we Read

The symbol in the Weary Blues by Langston Hughes is the piano the musician is playing when Langston walks in the club down on Lennox Ave.  The piano not only represents the musical instrument, but also the symbol for the traditional western sound in the world.  This poem was written after WW1 the time of oppression for African Americans.  The musician is pound the white ivory keys in a release of frustration and an out lash against the times.  When the musician plays the blues on the piano he is transforming the western traditional sound to one of the blues and jazz music.

Saturday, May 23, 2015


This week we were allowed to pick one subject of our own to write a blog about.  I chose to write about it's almost over.  Four years passed I m exhausted working full time and school full time was a feat thats all I can say.  June 20 I finally walk the stage and get my degree.  There have been some good teachers that really got me through this journey.  Dr. Sedlack, Mrs. Ramirez an online instructor, and Mr. Hammon, those were my most influential instructors, they was always there for questions and to give me help.  There was weeks where I was working 85 a hours a week, and they always understood and gave me a little more time to turn in my assignments. It has been fun but I am so glad this journey is almost over.

Monday, May 18, 2015

My Fiance's Ring

My fiance mom had died and left her a diamond ring.  There is nothing in the world that will make her take that ring off.  That was the last item her mom ever gave her the day she passed on her death bed.  My finance lost her mom at the age of 16.  This was also the same time she had a miscarriage and lost a baby.  That ring means the world to her.  The ring represents her love, her loyalty, her heart, her sadness missing her mom.  I guess the ring I gave her will always be second lol, but thats ok.  The only thing I tell her jokingly is to remember the price tag that was once on my ring. Im just playing though, actually I'm not.

Sunday, May 17, 2015

Critical Perspective

Decided I mines well stay on my topic for my paper and my Wiki, Langston Hughes "The Weary Blues."  My critical perspective of which I will also be writing my essay paper about is the different view I took from reading the poem then other readers.  Most people think the poem is only about the blues and jazz music; However I feel like Langston was also using his words to also tell about the times of oppression for African Americans after WW2.  This is also well known as the Harlem Renaissance.  He uses his words as symbolism for the struggles and ties those words into the music of jazz and the blues.

Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Psychological Criticism Product of Our Enviroment

Pyschological criticism is when a character may be examined based on their upbringing to made reasoning for their actions.  An example I can think of is in movies, especially when you watch thrillers.  There are those movies where the killer came from a broken home or he was sheltered and never knew the outside world, of which made that character kill someone.  Another example of psychological criticism would be one that I can relate to more.  The charcters in movies that come from a poverty ridden neighborhood and always lived around drugs and gangs.  The character also ends up in the gangs or selling and using drugs.  A great phrase that I can interwine with this lesson is we are a product of our enviorment.

Monday, May 11, 2015

To The Desert

The original poem I was gonna make my Wiki on was the "To The Desert" by Benjamin Alire Saenz.  The poem is a spiritual gospel poem.  A man is lost in the desert but the desert is also a symbol for lost emptiness in his life.  Then just as he is ready to give up and feels like there is nothing in life for him, he finds God.  He screams out in his spoken language with joy.  The man feels like he has a new life and has found a new meaning.  There is a lot of symbolism in the poem, and the poem had a strong meaning; however the poem was too new, and there just wasn't enough information to create a Wikipedia because there has not even been a Wikipedia page made for the "To The Desert" poem.

Sunday, May 10, 2015

Female Writers

We have been reading some poems and stories lately that are written by woman writers.  I am not a big reader of short stories and poems usually.  This is actually the first time I ever read anything like the literature I have been reading.  I do find that the woman writers tend to touch more emotional tones in their writing.  I really couldn't name too many though.  I have always felt like a female writer could express through words better than male writer, but I guess that is back to touching the other subject or topic we had to write about this week the Gender Criticism.  Well that is all I could come up with on this topic, enjoy.

Wednesday, May 6, 2015


Well I have been voicing my opinion on the Wiki project.  I have since found a couple break through s though.  The first is I finally found where I will make my contribution. I will add to the background, and talk more about the times the poem was written for the weary blues.  The poem is more than just the jazz aspect, and reading over it more and more I am starting to see the meaning from where Poe is coming from.  The poem is also more about segregation and the struggle for African Americans and how music was their therapy to take their mind away their safe haven.  Finally I'm starting to see this project come together.  There was also some citations missing in the Wiki for the poem.

Monday, May 4, 2015


Gender criticism is an extension of feminist literary criticism, focusing not just on women but on the construction of gender and sexuality, especially LGBTQ issues, which gives rise to queer theory.  Gender criticism labels the writer of the story.  An example of the dominating stereotypes would be that if the character is a man is dominating the leader role.  Whereas if the character is a female or woman then the character is submissive and a foloower, which is not always true.  There are cases where the woman is the dominant figure and the man can be the submissive, there is more of these roles in todays literature compared to the 1900s and earlier.  The stories we are reading in class seem to take the old way of thinking.

Saturday, May 2, 2015


     An object that symbolizes me everyday would have to be probably one of the most minor things one could think of.  Ever since I was 15 years old growing up in Monroe Heights in Riviera Beach, Florida.  Me and a group of friends all use to have our own little business well leave it at that.  We all also wore rubber bands on our wrist.  The reason the rubber band symbolizes is because a couple of us since then have been murdered, the rubber band is like a reminder of each of us.  One of the friends who is locked up in Prison for life still wears his also.  I'm not saying I condone any of these actions n the past, but no matter what one of us odes we still will be therefor each other.  Therefore the rubber band is not any gang symbol, it is instead a symbol of unity, loyalty to one another. I guess I can just drop a couple names here, Elton Doo-Doo Taylor, Aj Oooh Lawd Jenkins, Tarvaris Arson Jackson, and then there's about 10 others.   The rubber band will always be a symbol, lol and also holds the money if needed, ok thats enough.  

Friday, May 1, 2015


Edgar Allen Poe’s The Fall of the House of Usher, is a story that is written about a person going to see an old friend, Roderick Usher who is sick with a condition that runs in the family. When he arrives at the house of Usher, the narrator looks upon the walls and senses gloom. For the first few weeks that he is there, he and Roderick read stories, paint, and play guitar, all efforts to cheer Roderick up. But soon Roderick’s sister has died and the mood in the house changes. Roderick decides to put her in a chamber downstairs for a few weeks so that curios doctors cannot steal her body and perform tests on it. One night during a terrible storm, Roderick goes crazy and in an effort to calm him down his friend reads to him. That’s when Roderick confesses that he has heard his sister’s cries from downstairs and believes that he has put her in her coffin while she was still living. The door was thrown open from the wind, and Roderick’s sister was standing at the door, she collapses on Roderick and both die, the friend runs out of the mansion and it collapses and the House of Usher is sunk in the lake.