Sunday, January 25, 2015

Police and Justice

The debate I had with a manager at my job a couple days ago was an argument that is going on all over the country, but not only the country but all over the world.  The lights have been shined bright on the police ever since social media and smart phones have been invented.  I stated to the manager that in all cases the police are not wrong, however in the last two major media cases the police were completely wrong.  Every officer that goes through training is made to pass the marksmanship test, meaning shooting targets.  When you serve in the Military you are taught to first immobilize your target if possible, also to only point your weapon at someone is you have intent to use it.  When Officer Wilson was confronted by Michael why couldn't he have shot him in the knee the shoulder, any shot would have at least immobilized him but he would still be alive.  These cops today are starting to use their badge as a way to do what they want.  I understand cops put their lives on the line everyday they go to work, however that still gives them no right to commit murder and get away with it.


  1. yeah i agree a cops job is to protect and serve and they are getting way out of line with it.

  2. This is a most serious topic for discussion, and I understand your point of view, but how can you craft a stronger argument?

  3. I agree some cops feel entitled to doing as they lease because they are an "officer" I agree with your argument 100%
